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A Methodical Approach to Success


Understanding You and Your Goals

Few things are more important than understanding who you are and what your goals are.  In order to be successful for you, we have to know what your definition of success is.


One of the first things we'll do is schedule an appointment with you (whenever and where ever is most convenient to you) to make sure we are crystal clear on your goals.  That's the basis of the rest of our planning and strategy.

In-depth market analysis

Whether your buying or selling, it's critical to have a detailed understanding of what's going on in the current real estate market. 

Our extensive technology experience and leading edge software tools allow us to use real-time data combined with sophisticated data analysis to quickly quantify and qualify the existing market conditions.  The results of that analysis combined with years of on the ground market knowledge, allows us to get you the best possible selling or buying price.  

Communication & Privacy Planning

In today's modern world, there seem to be an unlimited number of ways to communication with someone.  The trick is for us to find out which ones work best for you based on your schedule and lifestyle. 

Frequency?  How often would you like to be contacted, how detailed should those contacts be?  These are only a few of the questions we'll figure out the answers to.


Privacy.  This is plain and simply one of our most serious concerns.  In today's world, there doesn't seem to be a day that goes by that you don't hear about a security breach or broken trust.  We will NEVER share any of the information you share with us, unless you explicitly ask us to or agree to it.  We will also NEVER share or sale your contact information.  We will not break the trust you place in us.  Period.


Data Analysis

Personal Experience Manager  (P.E.M.)

Think of PEM as your 24 hour, 365 day a year digital personal valet.  PEM gives you instant access to all the history, notes, documents  and action items associated with your real estate engagements.


The leading edge interface is simple and straight forward to use, yet powerful and sophisticated. Chances are, whatever you're looking for related to the engagement is only a few clicks away.


PEM is there for you, but...If you never want to log into a computer and would rather just talk to a person, we're always just a simple call, email or text away.  Concierge Service means giving you lots of options so that the experience fits your lifestyle and your expectations.


Privacy & Security.  We rely on and use our technology extensively.  You can breath easy knowing that we use all the latest security measures and systems to protect you and your precious data.  To us, even your name and email address is as precious and protected as a bank account number would be to you.  A few examples of our precautions are:


  • Web traffic is HTTPS encrypted

  • Data is stored in an encrypted database server

  • Advanced firewalls and threat detection systems in place

  • Servers are maintained in a Secure Microsoft Azure Cloud Environment


Does that sound like a little bit of overkill for a real estate company?  We don't think so.  It just shows how serious we are about your privacy and the security of your data.


Custom Marketing Plan

Few things are more important than understanding who you are and what your goals are.  In order to be successful for you, we have to know what your definition of success is.


One of the first things we'll do is schedule an appointment with you (whenever and where ever is most convenient to you) to make sure we are crystal clear on your goals.  That's the basis of the rest of our planning and strategy.

Vendor & Partner Management

Whether you buying or selling, it's critical to have a detailed understanding of what's going on in the current real estate market. 

Our extensive technology experience and leading edge software tools allow us to use real-time data combined with sophisticated data analysis to quickly quantify and qualify the existing market conditions.  The results of that analysis combined with years of on the ground market knowledge, allows us to get you the bet possible selling or buying price.  

Transaction Management

In today's modern world, there seem to be an unlimited number of ways to communication with someone.  The trick is for us to find our which ones work best for you based on your schedule and lifestyle.  Frequency?  How often would you like to be contacted, how detailed should those contacts be?  These are only a few of the questions we'll figure out the answers to.


Privacy.  This is plain and simply one of our most serious concerns.  In today's world, there doesn't seem to be a day that goes by that you don't hear about a security breach or broken trust.  We will NEVER share any of the information you share with us, unless you explicitly ask us to or agree to it.  We will also EVER share or sale your contact information.  We will not break the trust you place in us.  Period.


Vendor Mgmt
Transaction Mgmt
We'd be honored to put these processes to work for you on your next real estate deal

S2 Luxe
A Division of S2 Your Home Team

8604 Cliff Cameron Dr. Charlotte NC 28269

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