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In the Charlotte NC region, there are currently close to 600 children in the foster care system. They often come into care with little notice and few belongings. It's the foster family's role to supply these children with basic needs, help them to feel safe and welcomed, and keep up with all the necessary appointments and paperwork that is required within the first few days after a child's placement.

John and I have fostered numerous children over the last 2 years and Foster Village has been on our doorstep within hours of placements with items necessary to help the children and families during this transition. As a community, we can help these children, foster families and biological families by creating a village of support during their time of crisis. Everyone can do something however big or small... they're all our children and everyone of us is needed.


In 2009 our 10 year old daughter, Abigail, passed away from an un-diagnosed heart condition.  While in the hospital our family made the difficult decision to support others through the donation of her organs.  Yes, being faced with that decision is as horrific as you can imagine.  But, it was a way for her to live on by giving her most precision gifts.


Through Abigail's gifts:

  • An 18-month old little girl received a segment of her liver 

  • Two o people received the gift of sight through her corneas

  • her lungs went to an 18 year old young woman with Cystic Fibrosis who was able to return to high school then college and lead a normal life


These are only a few of her stories of hope we have to share and we ,her family, continue to share her gifts and encourage everyone to register as a donor. There are no age limits on donations and most people with preexisting conditions can donate something, so join the millions of Carolinaians today who have pledged to save lives!


As the largest national LGBTQ civil rights organization the HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in our community.


To learn move visit:


The Humane Society believes that by working to improve animal welfare, we are not only saving the lives of animals who need our help but we are also building a better community by creating families with healthy, happy pets, educating pet owners and ensuring the safety and well-being of both two-legged and four-legged Carolinans.

To get involved visit:



Say hello to "Augie Doggie".  He's our Australian Shepard/Poodle mix.  One of our two Doodles.

S2 Luxe
A Division of S2 Your Home Team

8604 Cliff Cameron Dr. Charlotte NC 28269

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